In the Christian world, the most sacred of days is Easter Sunday, the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The forty days (excluding Sundays) that precede Easter are known as Lent. It is a time when Christians focus on Sacrifice (fasting), Repentance, and Preparation for a renewed relationship with God through His son Jesus.
After being baptized by His cousin John in the Jordan river, Jesus prepared for His ministry by spending forty days in the desert, fasting, praying, and being tempted by Satan. In this Lenten Devotional, we shall focus on preparation; prepare your hearts and minds to be accepting of the teachings of Christ.
Each day, read the Bible verse listed. Meditate on what the passage means; what is Jesus trying to teach us. Allow the meaning to influence both your mind and your heart, and make your daily prayer reflect your thankfulness for the savior and His teachings. Who else could teach us better to prepare for the coming Kingdom of God than Jesus?
This booklet contains all of the parables that Jesus told as He taught the masses, as recorded in the four Gospels, and as nearly as is possible to determine centuries later, in the very order He told them. Thousands flocked to the hills and valleys to hear the Lord speak; in the next forty days, you are one of them! Hear His words, and let them speak to you. Then, just as Jesus did, pray!

We all face times of trial; Ask God for help!
We all stray from the path; Ask God to lead the way!
We all think we know what’s best;
Ask God’s will be done!
Sometimes, it’s the hardest prayer to pray.

May God bless you and keep you;
May the Peace of Christ Jesus,
and the power of the Holy Spirit,
envelop you and guide you. Amen.