“The next five days are from the Gospel of Luke,
a carefully researched and written history of Christ.
Many readers are familiar with these chapters and verses;
others may not be.
For all I offer this prayer:

‘Oh gracious and loving God;
Your love and mercy knows no bounds.
In our sinful human ways,
we have put a great distance between Your love and our hearts. How could we ever traverse this void
which we have created?
We know that the burden of sin
which we have imposed upon ourselves,
keeps us from coming near to You.
Only You can reach out to us,
and in Your mercy and grace, You have!
A savior to redeem us from our sinful ways,
and to bring glory and honor to Your name.
Allow all who read these words
to come to know Jesus Christ our savior,
in their minds and in their hearts,
and accept the gift of grace that He has offered.
Send Your Holy Spirit to touch the hearts
of all who read this,
so that their lives may become
a testament to You.
In the name of our savior, Jesus the Christ,
I most humbly pray; Amen.'”